Ukranian Promises Auction
There are 64 promises for auction. You can bid for them either beforehand or on the night. Sealed bids to Stephen Hoole at – [email protected] giving name, email, tel no along with the item and max bid price. For those bidding on the night please register beforehand with Stephen Hoole at – [email protected] giving name, email and tel no. You can also register between 1800 and 1845 on the night in person at the New Inn. The list of the items for auction can be seen here. People have been very inventive and there is clearly a head of steam out there to help lessen Ukrainian suffering with a promise. Make sure you attend if you can as even though the issue is a serious one we will try and make the evening enjoyable. Payment for winning lots should be made on the night either by cash, BACS or possibly be card. You are also able to make donations by mini bacs to: Halse Village Hall; Sort code 60-80-06 Acc. No. 29764130. Please add reference: UKR & your surname & Lot Number if for a winning bid.
Remember, all proceeds of the auction and profits from Ukrainian meal will go to the Red Cross Ukrainian appeal which will provide refugees with water, food, blankets, generators etc.